Penn.Co. Sportsmen's Club - President's Monthly Comments

From your 2006-2007 President

Jared Nelson
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Left to Right: Brent Waale -YFS Instructor/Grant Author, John Hill- YFS Instructor/PCSC Board Secretary, Jim Counter-YFS Course Coordinator/ FNRA Banquet Chair, Bob Campbell-FNRA Banquet Committee Member, Joe Lorsung-NRA Field Representative, Jared Nelson PCSC Vice-President/FNRA Banquet Co-Chair.

-Photo Credit: Carl Peterson

Volunteers hit payoff with the
Pennington County Sportsmen’s Club YFS Program.

By Brent Waale, PCSC President 04-06

Pennington County Sportsmen’s Club members have long been involved with Youth Firearm Safety (YFS) in the Thief River Falls, Pennington County area. In the last two years, thanks to NRA Field Representative Joe Lorsung, a few key members have put their efforts towards hosting a Northwestern Minnesota Friends of the NRA Banquet held in Thief River Falls. Due to their fund raising efforts over the past two years, their work paid off recently in the form of equipment purchased through a FNRA Grant.
The equipment, a laptop computer, computer projector, a folding projector screen, and a portable whiteboard/easel (see photo) will be used to enhance and upgrade the Pennington County Sportsmen’s Club YFS classes that are held in the spring, summer and fall here in Thief River Falls. In our estimations this equipment will benefit upwards of 100 students annually by bringing our instruction and class presentations into the 21st century. The computer and projector are able to show computerized slide show presentations as well as DVD videos to aid in our 5 day curriculum.
The grant was authored November 2003 and presented to the Minnesota Friends of the NRA Grant Committee in December 2003. The Grant was approved in May and the equipment was purchased in time for the summer YFS course. As course facilitators we can see the advantages in the future with this equipment and are sure that the youth of our community will benefit from this grant money coming back to Pennington County from the Friends of the NRA. The PCSC hosted its 3rd Annual FNRA Banquet October 16th, 2004 at the Eagles Club in TRF and it is starting to become a success. Plans for a fourth banquet are already underway in conjunction wih the fall gunshow.

There was a couple of parties with underage kids at the club facilties last year. Police were called and the kids tested for alcohol consumption. None had been drinking but nevertheless, all were trespassing. The second incident, two kids claimed that their fathers were members, and volunteered to go home to get the membership card to prove it (one went home and never came back). The party was dispersed and the kids admonished not to do it again, your basic slap-on-the-hands type of thing.
Which brings up the point to quote the club by-laws...




"Section 1. There shall be only one (1) class of membership, a general membership.
Section 2. Membership shall be granted to any person eighteen (18) years of age or older and of good character."


Family members are welcome when IN THE COMPANY OF the "CLUB MEMBER", the one who's name is on the card. In other words, the parent who is the offending club member "should cease and desist of giving the gate combination to his kids and they in turn should not give it to their friends".
Next incident we will have the Sheriff's Department charge the offenders with tresspassing. -Webmaster-

Here's hoping you are healthy and active and had an okay winter and we hope to see you at April's Meeting (18th)for election of '07 officers at 7:30 pm at the clubhouse.
Remember, Fair time is just around the corner, so be prepared to do your part and do a shift. -Webmaster-

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