The Pennington County

Sportsman's Club

Bi-Monthly Newsletter

Volume 1 Issue 3 (May - June 2002) Electronic Edition

Hello fellow PCSC Members (past and present). We hope you are doing well and this newsletter finds you and your family in good health.


This issue has been beaten to death...but, we need new members. Go out and sign up a friend, and take them to the range for a impromptu shoot session....they may just like it and get involved.

Pennington Co. Fair:

Val and Shirley will be calling you to help out in the cook shack this year. You don=t need to be a cook or take orders or handle money. Just come by and schmooze with the customers and tell them about our club. We need a lot of word of mouth advertising and schmoozing is a good asset in this department. We do need cooks and counter workers, too. we want to put out a float for the parade that is going to be during the fair? We have limited info on the details and date of the event but understand that it will be during the fair. If there is an interest, contact:

Jim Counter at  (681-1901) or Brent Waale at (681-3304)

By all means, come and see us at the fair, even if you=re not working. Come and buy a burger and visit with your fellow members.


Website News:

Things are still hopping at the website... the newsletters are available online, issues # 2 (March - April)and #3 (May - June) is already there, the address is:   (note: there is no A www@ in the forward part of the address). There has be extensive work putting pictures in the site and if anyone has pictures pertaining to the club or sporting activities as hunting, fishing, or shooting....please send them to me, Brent Waale. I=m at  if you have an electronic format photo, or mail it to:

Brent Waale
421 State Ave. North,
Thief River Falls, MN 56701-1847,
Attn: PCSC Website Photo

...If you want the photo back you
=ll have to come to a meeting. I=m also open to suggestions on the website format or the format of this newsletter. What you like and don=t like. (Remember, we=re all volunteers.) So... log on and check us out on the web...and give us a test drive. The thing is constantly under constructions with new things planned for it in the future.


We have initiated contact with the two other clubs in our ATri-Club Shoot@ started years ago, and have received a letter back from Darryl Janisch representing the TRF Archery Club. His club members suggest it be held soon and offer their choice of dates... Monday - June 10th, or Friday - June 14th, or Monday - June 17th, or Friday - June 21st. I (Brent Waale) will be running the P.C.S.C. aspects of the shoot, and am quasi-organizing it from the point of view of our club. The club with the lowest amount of members participating will determine the score amount accepted. If one club has 5 members, the other has 9 members and the last club has 16 members participating, the top 5 scores will determine the trophy. Word has yet to be received by the TRF Trap Club representative. More on this as we find out from them. Questions, interests, suggestions on dates....wanna help out. Contact me...681-3304



Now, (May - June) is the best time to collect membership $$$. Not only is the club checkbook at its lowest for the year...but with a majority of the membership $$$ coming in now, Club Officers will have a target for budgeting.

Dues are still $ 30.00


(PAGE 2)


>Spring Clean-Up & Picnic (Grounds and Clubhouse)

- We didn=t get the clean-up done when we scheduled it due to inclement weather. We will still try to run one in June. June 2 is a tentative date.

Elections For PCSC Officers

- We failed to meet quorum at May=s meeting so we will attempt to have elections at June=s meeting. Please come and elect your officers for the 2002-2003 year.

? ? ? ? ?

-We=ll be calling members with dates and times of the events listed above. Please have an idea of what you could help with. If you want to be ahead of the Shirley (5855) or Val (1442). Their e-mails are on the website on the officers page.


Things to do in this Spring-Summer Ato do@ season:

- attend a meeting (preferably this June 20th one) 7:30 at the clubhouse.

-rake leaves, clean up the club house, clean food shack.

-pick-up brass around shooting stations. There is a lot of brass, that shooters are leaving.

-spread and rake-in grass seed on the dirt backstops (berms).

- ETC. etc.....


YFS Class (Summer-02):

We have the summer classes starting on Tuesday, June 18th, Thursday, June 20th, Monday, June 24th, Tuesday, June 25th, Thursday, June 27th (Parent=s Nite) and the field test on Sunday, June 30th. Please do not come out to shoot that day as we have a full plate from 1-5 in the afternoon. If you come out as a PCSC member, be prepared to be a YFS instructor and give a class or help with facilitating the round robin courses. Be Advised and Forewarned: the range is closed to all this day but the Youth Firearm Program. Our continued thanks for the support of the current instructor staff. Without you as instructors, the program in TRF area doesn=t exist.


Silhouette Competition?

Any handgun shooters interested in forming a silhouette team? Contact Jim C. (1901) or  .


Other YFS News: Special thanks goes out to the PCSC - YFS Instructors that helped out with the Goodridge class this past May. There are new instructors out there and requested our help in designing and implementing a workable class syllabus. Our members traveled to Goodridge High School and gave their time as well as hosted the 7 of the 9 students at our Club grounds for a hands on demonstration of the firing range operation. The new instructors Kelly Dahlen and Bob Paulson, as well as the students were appreciative of our efforts and we were glad to help.


Fosston Area Shooting Club

In our efforts to maintain a good rapport and liaison atmosphere with area sporting clubs, shooting clubs and the like, I met a member of the Fosston Area Shooting Club at the latest gunshow and he made sure I had info on their shoots to pass along to our members and site visitors. These are NRA Sanctioned Smallbore and Highpower Rifle Silhouette Matches. Dates are as follows:  

Smallbore -2:00pm - June 2nd, July 14th, Aug.11th, Sept. 8th (Sundays)
Highpower - 2:00pm - June 16th, Aug 25th, Sept. 22nd (Sundays)
Combined - 10:am - June 29th (Saturday) (Smallbore first)

For further information on the Shoots, Entries, Fees, Directions to the Fosston Club Range, Schedules and Conditions...CONTACT:  Brent via e-mail or... Jim Counter via e-mail or...

Fosston Shooting Club Representative...
Greg Bruce
1044 250th Ave.
Fosston, MN 56542