The Pennington County

Sportsman's Club

Bi-Monthly Newsletter

Volume 1 Issue 2 (March - April 2002) Electronic Edition

Greetings Sportsman's Club Members (past and present). With our sincerest hopes, this newsletter will find you in good health and spirits.


Now, (March - June) is the best time to collect membership $$$. Not only is the club checkbook at its lowest for the year...but with a majority of the membership $$$ coming in now, Club Officers will have a target for budgeting.

Dues are still $ 30.00


Please continue to talk to your friends and neighbors into joining. The more members we have... the better our coffers look ($$$); the better our money situation...the more projects we can run/fund. The more members we have...the more chances at fellowship in our dwindling sport of hunting and shooting. The more members we have...the more we can spread our message, and keep the work load for projects down. We heartily encourage you to get out and get new members and activate non-active ones.

On volunteerism and attending meetings...

We've really been lacking at our meetings and I assume this may be due to weather and maybe health reasons (cold and flu) but we'd really like you to make the upcoming April 18th general membership meeting. We're holding elections for the next year's officers and would like you to attend and put in your two cents. Please take time to nominate someone for an office or throw your hat into the ring and help do your part to serve and volunteer. This club is great with the membership it has, but nothing....and I mean NOTHING gets done without the volunteers that make it happen, day in and day out. From the person that mows the firing line, to the member that serves as an instructor for YFS, to the person that helps out at spring cleaning. It's time for some new blood to come out and help, 'cause the old blood is getting tired of doing all the work. I commend them for the efforts to keep this club afloat both with incentives to get membership drives going to getting people to help out in the food stand... we need more, new people to do some of the projects so the ones who constantly do it, don't get burnt out.

The way I see it, to borrow an idea from my Jaycee days, the club is three sided with three different but complementary aspects... one side of the triangle is the "community service side" ...we show that in our efforts as Firearm Safety Instructors, when we provide a nice, safe place for picnicking and for sighting in of rifles prior to Deer Season. The second side is the "individual development side" one where our club and club grounds environment provide the situation where one can develop oneself, through bettering their marksmanship, or improving their standing and personal character within the community through volunteering for club functions and community/club activities. The third portion of the triad is the day-to-day activities maintained by the club officers and core volunteers and is known as the "management development side"...where the "rubber hits the road", the "meat and potatoes" of being a club member.

Yes, it's not all fun and games to be a club volunteer, it's sometimes tedious work...from the planning stages of a new upcoming Youth Firearm Safety (YFS) class, to the setting up of a shooting match and being the project chair/range master. It takes a special kind of person to want to do these things and it takes a stick-tuitive-ness to do it every month. We hope you'll take time out of your busy schedule and put some effort into your club. We know that some of you may have only joined to be just a "shooter" and not a "doer". If the whole club took that attitude, NOTHING would get done, and THERE WOULD BE NO CLUB. Please, come to the April 18th meeting and voice and show your support.

Send in your nominations for the following positions to Jim Counter at or Brent Waale at



Please save time and confirm that your nominee will accept the nomination, will run for the position and be present at the meeting.


Gun Show

The gun show booth was a success and the persons who worked it are to be commended for both selling raffle tickets on the gun and quilt and selling people on our club. One can't buy better advertising than meeting new people and prospective clients and "pressing the flesh". SPECIAL THANKS to Shirley Colden who made and donated the quilt. For those who worked the booth, our sincere thanks.

Website News:

Well by now, some of you have seen and browsed the site, for those of you that haven't book marked it or saved it to your favorites yet, the address is:

(note: there is no "www" in the forward part of the address)

We have been taking great strides to make the website look as professional as possible and serve the dual function of promoting the club to outsiders and informing club members of club events and policies. There has be extensive work putting pictures in it and if anyone has pictures pertaining to the club or sporting activities as hunting, fishing, or shooting....please send them to me, Brent Waale. I'm at if you have an electronic format photo, or mail it to:   

Brent Waale 

421 State Ave. North

Thief River Falls, MN 56701-1847

 Attn: PCSC Website Photo

. ..If you want the photo back you'll have to come to a meeting. I'm also open to suggestions on the website format or the format of this newsletter. What you like and don't like. (Remember, we're all volunteers.) So... log on  check us out on the web...and give us a test drive. The thing is constantly under constructions with new things planned for it in the future.


The only project pending construction this spring is a canopy shelter for the pistol range, a 16 x 24 structure approx. 30 yards from the pistol backstop.


>Spring Clean-Up & Picnic (Grounds and Clubhouse)

- All members and families are INVITED to participate. Upon completion of the clean-up, a picnic lunch will be served. It will be in April or May pending weather.


>Tree Maintenance

- Mulch needs to be put around the trees we planted. Pending weather...approx. May or June.


>Workers For Cook Shack Events

- Cook-Shack workers are needed for different events including but not limited to: July 4 weekend (was American Festival) Penn. Co. Fair, "Crazee Daze", and "A Taste of Thief River". There are jobs other than cooking for these events, such as selling raffle tickets, cleaning and stocking tables, food prep, running for supplies, cashier, taking orders, etc.


-We'll be calling members with dates and times of the events listed above. Please have an idea of what you could help with. If you want to be ahead of the Shirley (5855) or Val (1442). Their e-mails are on the website on the officers page.


Things to do in this spring "to do" season:

- attend a meeting (preferably this April 18th one) 7:30 at the clubhouse.

-rake leaves, clean up the club house, clean food shack.

-pick-up brass around shooting stations.

-spread and rake-in grass seed on the dirt backstops (berms).

- ETC. etc.....



YFS Class (Spring-02):

As this issue goes to press, we should be finishing up our final evening class (Thursday 11th) and the youths should be ready for testing both written and hands on at the range this coming Sunday (April 14th). Please do not come out to shoot that day as we have a full plate from 1-5 in the afternoon. If you come out as a PCSC member, be prepared to be a YFS instructor and give a class or help with facilitating the round robin courses. Be Advised and Forewarned: the range is closed to all this day but the Youth Firearm Program. Our continued thanks for the support of the current instructor staff. Give yourself a pat on the back. Look for pics in the upcoming week on the website.


Silhouette Competition?

Any handgun shooters interested in forming a silhouette team? Contact Jim C. (1901) or .


Suggestions are being accepted for possible dates that we as PCSC members would be available to participate in the resurrected TRI-CLUB TROPHY SHOOT COMPETITION (Between the TRF Archery Club, The TRF Trap Club, and PCSC).  Interested competitors for this Trap, Archery, and Silhouette Shoot, should contact me, Brent Waale at or 681-3304.  I need to know, your three top preferences for dates.  We're leaning toward suggesting a Saturday or Sunday for our input to the organization of the event.  Be aware that the event was not conducted this past year so it may take a bit of steam in the boiler to get it up and running.  We would like to put forward at least a five person team.  The team sizes will be determined based on overall participation in the event.

